Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Green Hornet

I went into this movie having read reviews talking about how the movie "couldn't decide" what it wanted to be. And they were Absolutely correct, but i couldn't care less. The Green Hornet is so horribly acted and over the top that it easily fits into the category of "SO BAD ITS GOOD", For fans of slap-stick classics such as "Flash Gordon" or anything by Mel Brooks, this movie is a MUST SEE. There are at least 3 or 4 scenes sprinkled throughout the movie that are meant to be completely sincere and serious. They utterly and gloriously fail. Seth Rogan couldn't decide if he wanted to do Iron Man or Pineapple Express, so he just said "To hell with it" and did both. As i said before, he totally failed to produce any kind of real connection with the characters or make any sense with the story, misfit characters are sporadically flung into the mixture and cheesy unoriginal dialogue runs ram-pit through the film, but this movie is not what it seems to be. It succeeds because of how HORRIBLY it fails. Toss in easily the funniest fight scene ever captured on film and best usage of Coolio's "Gangsters Paradise" in cinema and you've got comedic GOLD. Please go into this movie with absolutely NO expectations and i promise that you will leave satisfied

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