Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dr. House (TV Series)

This is a mixed review - but overall I thought "House" is wonderfully entertaining, smart and tight dialogue and writing - but above all, marvelous acting by the ensemble cast. The show draws you in, as you fight along with the cast of characters to discover by the end of the show what is wrong with the patient. With that, the thing Hugh Laurie does best obviously besides drama - comedy. It comes in the way of finding a motley crew of regular patients that come in from everything from a mild cough to an MP3 player stuck up a patient's backside. Very funny.

Now, the down side and room for improvement. We need to see more of what goes on with the characters outside of the clinic, learn their motivations for what they do and who they are. To grow to care about them as people. Right now they are simply figureheads and nothing more. What goes on on the outside?

There are so many more dimensions as well to Dr. Gregory House, untapped reasons for the fact that he pops prescription pills as if they were candy, his dependence on his inner anger and other things - like his obvious attraction to his female boss. I want to learn about those things.

And, please - tell us what each physician does and their names more - I can't even remember all but one - Caroline, I think.

Another gripe - they really need to portray treatment in a hospital for the patients in a more realistic light. There is no way they would medicate a patient without running tests first - patients are not guinea pigs, but they seem to treat them as such. Also - they would never treat a patient in the nature they did in front of family members. It's much too traumatic. Plus, Dr. House's caustic replies to family are a bit over the top, it's lucky he isn't sued once a week.

But, all in all - the smart writing, great humor and amazing cast along with the mystery will make me return over and over!!

Thanks for a great show!!

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